Behind-the-Scenes Photos
Enjoy some behind-the-scenes snapshots of our exhibition preparations.
(Please click on the photo to view in the original format—verticals are being shown in the gallery as horizontals…)

Reviewing print proofs at Tempe Camera
Two of the 16 matted photographs, waiting to be signed, labeled, and framed
Labels on the back of all of the prints

Matted prints packed for transport to Jeanne Adams, exhibition curator, who, along with her son, Matthew, framed all sixteen of my pieces
Jeanne Adams (Ansel Adams' daughter-in-law and owner of the Ansel Adams Gallery in Yosemite, along with her husband, Michael) came to Phoenix to pick up my matted prints. We decided to go camping together for a few days. This is from the Aqua Fria National Monument in Arizona on the first night of our adventure.
Jeanne meets the Colorado River nears Lee's Ferry in Marble Canyon in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, AZ

Showing off the proof of my exhibition catalogue at the printer, Courier Graphics, in Phoenix, AZ

Proofs of the exhibition catalogue

When I first walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor of the Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center and saw my exhibit on the wall for the first time, I was so overwhelmed, I teared up. It was so beautifully put together by the amazing SDCACC staff. After over a year of work, it’s really real!
Posing with Jeanne Falk Adams (curator and Ansel Adams’ daughter-in-law) and SDCACC CEO Jim Richerson
Having a moment with Michael (Ansel Adams’ son) and Jeanne next to an Ansel print from Arizona! Michael, who was 9 years old when his dad made this photograph on a trip together, recounted the wild experience they had navigating the sand in a convertible in Canyon de Chelly.

When I picked up my first camera 20 years ago, never in my wildest dream would I have imagined Michael Adams, Ansel’s son, looking at my photographs...but here we are...

Filled with so much gratitude for the Adams family (Michael and Jeanne) and my family (Jacque and Bob) for giving me this opportunity to share the love of the Colorado River with others through this solo exhibit.
My mom, dad, and I got all fancied up for the “Wonders of Water” gala on Friday, June 4, 2021 to open the “Vital Waters” and “The Current Flows” shows.
All 16 photographs featured in the show have fun backstories with fun people involved. These two images from the Grand Canyon along the Colorado River are for all of those who I’ve shared a rafting trip with, my river guides, and the commercial outfitter who made both of these photos possible, Hatch River Expeditions.
I felt so fortunate to share the opening gala moments with my parents, Bob and Jacque Miniuk
Me and my papa at the gala dinner
At Saturday morning’s “Coffee Talk with the Curator,” Jeanne Falk Adams shares how the “Vital Waters” exhibition and "The Current Flows" exhibit came to life.
Then it was my turn! After Jeanne talked about how she and I met at my “Visualization” presentation at the February 2020 Out of Yosemite conference, I had the chance to explain how my exhibit, “The Current Flows,” brings the messaging of “Vital Waters” (which is focused on oceans) onto a local, river-based level.

Having a lovely evening on the deck of Jeanne and Michael's home in Carmel (which used to be Ansel's house) while visiting them to pick up my exhibition prints.
This is Ansel's darkroom (at the Carmel house). Those are my exhibition prints. My exhibition prints were being stored in Ansel's darkroom...because why not?!